Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How much does it Cost - To think out of the Box @ GU ?

Finally, the much awaited day - I am a Post graduate today :)
Well, coming to the resutlts - they are decent and i wont crib about them. A 62 per cent with a 15 day gap after my wedding .. I am pretty happy.
But what went went wrong where?
Apparently, my course M.Sc. in Information Technology and Computer Application is one of a kind :P . An incident to quote woud be, my project presentation day. I am known to bring in different and something unusual. I dont just write and display at my wish - There has to be some ground work i've done. I was told by one of my professors, that we have external faculties who have some 20 - 30 years of experience in the IT industry.
On that day look who takes charge with my 400 marks ? A senior turned professor, who barely got even a First class in his graduation. Accompanied by someone who was of course an external faculty, but not even close to 30 in age.
GU cant just play around this way. The power given is misused and ruing careers. This favoritism is just not Done !
Is GU making or ruining careers ? I am a victim to have fallen for this. Even a in BU or DU woud have been better, now i feel.
Five years, down the drain and i cant do anything about it.
Too sad - Too bad.


Deep Purple said...

GOOD place to vent out :D
I relate to it all..
happy blogging !


*~Sparks of Enthusiasm ~* said...

Gosh u know it well !
But im an So hands - Tied !

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